“other than”的用法
“other than”的用法
“other than”这一英语中常见常用的短语,其含义较多、理解难以准确把握、句型搭配较为灵活,而一般的语法书和词典对“other than”的用法又涉及较少或说明不详。本文拟对“other than”的用法作粗浅的小结。
一、“other than”的含义
1. other than = except, but, apart from “除……以外”
(1) There is nobody here other than me.这里除了我以外没有别人。
(2) Someone other than your brother should be appointedmanager. 应当任命一个除了你兄弟之外的人当经理。
2. other than = besides “除……以外,还……”
(3) English is now spoken in many countries other than England.
(4) There were three people at the meeting other than Mr Day.
3. other than = not, instead of, rather than “不、非、而不是”
(5) I borrowed some books other than novels.
4. other than = in any other way than “用除此以外别的方式”
(6) You can’t get there other than by swimming.
二、“other than”的结构
1. other than + 名词/代词
(7) The presence of elements other than iron greatly affects the physical properties of steel.
(8) You should get a little stifleness but other than that there should be no side effects.
2. other than + 形容词
(9) She can hardly be other than grateful.
(10) I could not feel other than surprised. 我只是感到吃惊。
3. other than + 副词
(11) She performed other than perfectly. 她的表演远非尽善尽美。
(12)I could not do it other than hurriedly.
4. other than + 介词短语
(13)We decided not to stop anywhere other than at his house.
(14)You can’t expect to get a pay rise other than with hard work.
5. other than + 过去分词
(15)The problem is other than settled. 问题还没有解决。
(16)The struggle cannot be other than protracted.
6. other than + 不定式
(17)He reread every page with no other purpose than to pass the time. 他一页一页地重读,不为别的,只为消磨时间。
(18)During the winter the hibernating animal can do nothing other than lie down and sleep. 在冬季,冬眠的动物只能躺下睡觉。
7. other than + 从句
(19)She is other than I thought. 她和我想象的不一样。
(20)I don’t wish her other than she is. 我不希望她改变现状。
(21)I can’t be other than I am. 我只能是我。
(22)The truth is quite other than what you think.
8. other than的其他搭配
①nothing other than “只是、仅仅”
(23)They were given nothing other than dry bread and water for their evening meal. 他们只得到了干面包和水作晚餐。
②no other than “正是、恰恰是”
(24)It was no other than my best friend, Mary.
③ no + 名词 + other than “正是……”
(25)It was no other person than Mr Smith.
④none other than “不是别人/别的东西,正是……”
(26)It was none other than Tom! We thought he was in Africa.
* * * * * * * * *
1、《Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English》
by Randolph Quirk, Longman Group Ltd., 1995
2、《A New English-Chinese Dictionary》
3、《The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current
English with Chinese Translation》 by A.S.Hornby,
Oxford University Press, 1978
4、《Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English》
by AP Cowie,R Mackin & IR Mccaig
Oxford University Press, 1987
5、《Longman Active Study English-Chinese Dictionary》
by Della Summers, 上海译文出版社,1993
6、《英汉大词典》,陆谷孙主编 上海译文出版社, 1993
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