马天宇(Ray Ma,1986年7月12日-),出生于中国山东省德州市,毕业于北京电影学院,中国内地男演员、歌手。
Ma Tianyu is a Chinese actor
Ray Ma Tianyu (born July 12, 1986) is an actor and singer in China. He graduated from the Beijing Film Academy.
In 2006, participated in the "Go! "My Hero" won the sixth place in the national final and the champion of national network popularity. In 2007, released the album "Yuguang Ten Colors", won the top sales of the Asia-Pacific music chart album in mainland China, and the title song "Damned Gentle" won the "Top Ten Golden Melons" of the fifth Southeast Hot Music Chart. In December 2018, he won the Annual Fashion Male Artist Award at the 15th MAHB Mr. Of the Year Ceremony. On December 18, 2020, the third edition of the variety show "Tide Partners 2" was broadcast on iQIYI. On February 19, 2021, she starred in the TV series Hello, Anyi, which was broadcast on Tencent Video and iQIYI. She played the role of Li Yao in the drama.
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