终于明白这三个单词的区别了:Ensure, Insure, Assure
终于明白这三个单词的区别了:Ensure, Insure, Assure
许多同学在学习ensure, insure 和 assure 三个英语单词时,总是会混淆用法。 今天张老师想通过这篇文章帮助大家弄清楚这三个单词的区别。
首先,ensure, insure 和 assure 均来自于拉丁文“securus”,意思是“使变得安全或确保”。这也是为什么大家难以区分这三个单词,因为他们有着相同通的词根,且意思非常接近。
何时使用 Ensure
Ensure :确保某件事发生或不发生(to make sure that something will (or won’t) happen or be the case)
The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft. (航空公司正在采取措施以确保其航班的飞行安全。)The role of the police is to ensure (that) the law is obeyed.(警察的职责就是确保法律得到遵守。)
Ensure 区别于另外两个单词的核心点在于:ensure后面只能接“事件或状态(events or states of being)”,而不能接实物(things)。例如:ensure a car就是错误的用法。
何时使用 Insure
Insure:给...上保险(protect oneself financially by insurance)
The house is insured for two million dollars.(该房子投保了200万英镑。)You should insure your house against accidental damage.(你应该给房子购买意外损失险。)I'm not insured to drive his car.(我没有相关的保险,不能开他的车。)
Insure 与ensure的不同之处在于,insure后面只能接实物(things),而ensure后面接事件(events)。因此,We insure our house, our car, and our business
何时使用 Assure
Assure:(尤指为消除其忧虑而)确定地对…说,向…保证,使确信;让…放心 (to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry)
The unions assured the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.(工会向新企业主保证,工人们对公司是忠诚的。)She assured him (that) the car would be ready the next day.(她向他保证说他的车第二天就能修好。)
因此,We assure people that their concerns are being addressed(我们使用assure向人们保证他们的忧虑会被解决).
Greg ______ me we were going in the correct direction.This table should be ______ for at least $3,000.In order to ______ a pleasant trip, we ask for your cooperation.My colleague ______ me that he ______ the accounts, ______ that we were in the clear.
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